Affinity Biosensors

Archimedes Particle Metrology System

  • Archimedes Particle Metrology System rectilinear design design concept showing design details
  • Archimedes Particle Metrology System curved design design concept showing design details
  • Front, side and top views of the refined design for the Archimedes Particle Metrology System
  • Three-quarters front view of the refined design for the Archimedes Particle Metrology System
  • Reverse three-quarters front view of the refined design for the Archimedes Particle Metrology System
  • Three quarters front view of the final production model of the Archimedes Particle Metrology System
  • Archimedes Particle Metrology System rectilinear design design concept showing design details
  • Archimedes Particle Metrology System curved design design concept showing design details
  • Front, side and top views of the refined design for the Archimedes Particle Metrology System
  • Three-quarters front view of the refined design for the Archimedes Particle Metrology System
  • Reverse three-quarters front view of the refined design for the Archimedes Particle Metrology System
  • Three quarters front view of the final production model of the Archimedes Particle Metrology System
Project Description: Medical & Laboratory

Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Affinity Biosensors

The Archimedes Particle Metrology System is a complete bench top medical device for particle metrology and cytometry. It features an automated measurement of particle and cell size, mass, volume, density and concentration. 

Affinity Biosensors

Archimedes Particle Metrology System

Project Description: Medical & Laboratory

Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Affinity Biosensors

The Archimedes Particle Metrology System is a complete bench top medical device for particle metrology and cytometry. It features an automated measurement of particle and cell size, mass, volume, density and concentration.