- 2025
- 2010
- 2000
- 1990
- 1980
Bretford Manufacturing, Inc.
Core™ 36M Cart for Chromebooks, Laptops and Tablets

Project Description:
Commercial Equipment
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Bretford Manufacturing
The award winning Core™ 36M Cart for Chromebooks, Laptops and Tablets builds on the lineage of durable, technology-forward carts for mobile workplaces and schools. Attention to ease-of-use, ergonomics, and durability can be seen in every aspect of the cart.
Project Description:
Commercial Equipment
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Bretford Manufacturing
The award winning Core™ 36M Cart for Chromebooks, Laptops and Tablets builds on the lineage of durable, technology-forward carts for mobile workplaces and schools. Attention to ease-of-use, ergonomics, and durability can be seen in every aspect of the cart.