- 2025
- 2010
- 2000
- 1990
- 1980
Cove Dish Washer
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Sub-Zero Group Definition Team
Inside and out, the dishwasher by Cove matches the style and quality typical of Sub-Zero and Wolf’s gourmet refrigeration and cooking appliances. With the help of Cesaroni design, internal design features make Cove an elegant, yet professional user-friendly major appliance. The stainless steel exterior combined with a hidden touch control panel and a floor-projected status light allows this quiet-running dishwasher to seamlessly blend into any space. The Cove dishwasher also comes equipped with an extensive list of pre-programmed cleaning routines, and built-in water softening capabilities to improve its cleaning effectiveness. The Cesaroni and Cove team designed the inside to be highly adjustable and easy to understand. The green brand color strategically placed on every rack indicates a moving or adjustable touchpoint. Middle and lower rack tines can be folded down to make way for bowls and plates, while upper racks can be tilted to make way for large platters. Silverware has a secure tray at an ergonomically efficient height for loading and unloading.
Cove Dish Washer
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Sub-Zero Group Definition Team
Inside and out, the dishwasher by Cove matches the style and quality typical of Sub-Zero and Wolf’s gourmet refrigeration and cooking appliances. With the help of Cesaroni design, internal design features make Cove an elegant, yet professional user-friendly major appliance. The stainless steel exterior combined with a hidden touch control panel and a floor-projected status light allows this quiet-running dishwasher to seamlessly blend into any space. The Cove dishwasher also comes equipped with an extensive list of pre-programmed cleaning routines, and built-in water softening capabilities to improve its cleaning effectiveness. The Cesaroni and Cove team designed the inside to be highly adjustable and easy to understand. The green brand color strategically placed on every rack indicates a moving or adjustable touchpoint. Middle and lower rack tines can be folded down to make way for bowls and plates, while upper racks can be tilted to make way for large platters. Silverware has a secure tray at an ergonomically efficient height for loading and unloading.