- 2025
- 2010
- 2000
- 1990
- 1980
Del Medical
EV800 (Table) and VS300 (Wall Stand)
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Del Medical
This medical equipment was designed for high capacity radiographic applications with high patient volumes in hospitals, imaging centers and busy specialty medical practices.
The EV800 Table is an elevating, four-way floating table with an aesthetically pleasing exterior design. The table provides smooth, quiet, vibration free performance with built-in safety features. The VS300 Wall Stand was designed with ergonomic release handles and side and overhead-mounted patient hand grips. Both devices make an excellent choice for any busy radiology department environment.
Del Medical
EV800 (Table) and VS300 (Wall Stand)
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Del Medical
This medical equipment was designed for high capacity radiographic applications with high patient volumes in hospitals, imaging centers and busy specialty medical practices.
The EV800 Table is an elevating, four-way floating table with an aesthetically pleasing exterior design. The table provides smooth, quiet, vibration free performance with built-in safety features. The VS300 Wall Stand was designed with ergonomic release handles and side and overhead-mounted patient hand grips. Both devices make an excellent choice for any busy radiology department environment.