- 2025
- 2010
- 2000
- 1990
- 1980
Bretford Manufacturing, Inc.
EXPLORE™ Presentation Stand

Project Description:
Furniture Systems
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Bretford Manufacturing
The design and integrated features of the EXPLORE™ Presentation Stand make it perfect for work and classroom settings. The angle of the top platform can be adjusted to the users preferences, and offers safety edges to prevent laptops and other mobile devices from falling.
Bretford Manufacturing, Inc.
EXPLORE™ Presentation Stand
Project Description:
Furniture Systems
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Bretford Manufacturing
The design and integrated features of the EXPLORE™ Presentation Stand make it perfect for work and classroom settings. The angle of the top platform can be adjusted to the users preferences, and offers safety edges to prevent laptops and other mobile devices from falling.