- 2025
- 2010
- 2000
- 1990
- 1980
Anasys Instruments
nano IR2-S
Project Description:
Medical & Laboratory
Design Team: Cesaroni Design and Anasys Instruments
The Anasys IR2-S is the only nanoscale IR spectroscopy and imaging medical device with both: AFM-IR, True model-free IR absorption spectroscopy and s-SNOM, Sub-20 nm complex optical property imaging for life sciences, polymers, organics, graphene, 2D materials, photonics, and inorganics.
Anasys Instruments
nano IR2-S
Project Description:
Medical & Laboratory
Design Team: Cesaroni Design and Anasys Instruments
The Anasys IR2-S is the only nanoscale IR spectroscopy and imaging medical device with both: AFM-IR, True model-free IR absorption spectroscopy and s-SNOM, Sub-20 nm complex optical property imaging for life sciences, polymers, organics, graphene, 2D materials, photonics, and inorganics.