- 2025
- 2010
- 2000
- 1990
- 1980
RTI Research Technology International
TapeChek® 400 Series VHS Videotape Cleaner/ Inspector

Project Description:
Commercial Equipment
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & RTI
The TapeChek® 400 Series VHS Videotape Cleaner/ Inspector was created with an interface that is easy to use for any user. The angle of this interface enables the user to look down at this device while maintaining a comfortable neck position.
RTI Research Technology International
TapeChek® 400 Series VHS Videotape Cleaner/ Inspector
Project Description:
Commercial Equipment
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & RTI
The TapeChek® 400 Series VHS Videotape Cleaner/ Inspector was created with an interface that is easy to use for any user. The angle of this interface enables the user to look down at this device while maintaining a comfortable neck position.