- 2025
- 2010
- 2000
- 1990
- 1980
WALLaroo® Wall-Mounted Workstation
Project Description:
Medical & Laboratory
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Carstens
BrochureThe WALLaroo® Wall-Mounted Workstation was designed and built to fit the busy environment of medical and laboratory settings. This allows for doctors, nurses, and researchers to work while on the move, for any quick task they may have.
WALLaroo® Wall-Mounted Workstation
Project Description:
Medical & Laboratory
Design Team: Cesaroni Design & Carstens
BrochureThe WALLaroo® Wall-Mounted Workstation was designed and built to fit the busy environment of medical and laboratory settings. This allows for doctors, nurses, and researchers to work while on the move, for any quick task they may have.