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GRAA Innovations
BILT Bench Weight Machines

Design Team: Andre Agassi, Gil Reyes, Cesaroni Design & Lenz Engineering
Building off the existing Visual Brand Language for BILT, the award winning Decline, Flat and Incline Bench machines were designed to simplify and improve the all important "lift-off". The benches' retractable arms uniquely and safely lower the weighted bar over the user's sweet spot across the chest and retract upon lift-off. The design eliminates the dangerous stress on the shoulders, which is imposed when the user reaches up and back to lift the weighted bar off the traditional starting position.
Design Team: Andre Agassi, Gil Reyes, Cesaroni Design & Lenz Engineering
Building off the existing Visual Brand Language for BILT, the award winning Decline, Flat and Incline Bench machines were designed to simplify and improve the all important "lift-off". The benches' retractable arms uniquely and safely lower the weighted bar over the user's sweet spot across the chest and retract upon lift-off. The design eliminates the dangerous stress on the shoulders, which is imposed when the user reaches up and back to lift the weighted bar off the traditional starting position.